
Article by: Fiona

I set up the farm shop with my husband in 2005 to sell our own beef. Since then the shop has grown more than we could ever imagine. We now support hundreds of local suppliers, have changed the way we farm and built a kitchen on site. Nowadays I can be found in all aspects of the business however most of the time I supervise the kitchen and love spending time helping in the shop so I can chat to our customers.


07 October 2022

The Menu Food & Drink Awards

The Menu Food & Drink Awards


A huge congratulations to all the amazing people and businesses at The Courier’s, The Menu Food & Drink Awards last night. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces and much-loved businesses represented.

Find them in our shop

A special congratulations from us all at Ardross to our friend Nick from Ovenstone 109 for winning Brewer of the Year. His bottles and growlers are best sellers in our shop, and he also sells burgers using our beef in this fantastic Eatooterie. A great experience all round! Our fantastic coffee supplier Lynsey from Modern Standard Coffee also won Entrepreneur of the Year. If you haven’t tried our delicious takeaway coffee yet, then you really should. Fiona and Michael who make many of our delicious preserves at Pittenweem Preserves were also finalists in Producer of the Year.

Ambassador of the Year

In the last Menu Food & Drink Awards (before the dreaded Covid!) I was humbled to be awarded the prestigious title of Ambassador of the Year. I recently reflected on what life has thrown at us in the time since in an article in The Menu. This year the baton has been passed on to someone who definitely deserves it, Will Docker from Balgove Larder. Not only has Will created an envious business that draws customers from near and far, but he also works tirelessly through Food from Fife to ensure food and drink businesses in our area flourish for the good of all. I can’t think of a better ambassador.

Food and Drink thriving in Fife

We are incredibly lucky to live and work in Fife. We are surrounded by breath taking views over the sea, wander idyllic little fishing villages and buy our food from the rich farmland around. In addition, small, independent businesses are well supported and flourishing.  Food and drink businesses in particular are popping up everywhere. We have a very strong selection of restaurants and cafes from Michelin Star to the local’s favourite, village shops (and farm shops!) sell local produce and through both those avenues a fantastic selection of producers are working hard behind the scenes. The Menu Food & Drink Awards celebrates all that’s great about our industry, and believe me, there is a lot to celebrate!

I am very humbled to be made Ambassador. My husband Rob died in October 2019 and it was actually him that started the shop, so I really feel it was partly him that should get the award

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