
Article by: Nikki

I am the eldest of three daughters working in the business and have been managing the shop since 2016. I love food, speaking to people and the environment. I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen at home cooking and baking with my two little boys, so this is my perfect job.

Products Recipes

03 January 2023

Pickled Red Cabbage

Picked Red Cabbage

Eat Good, Feel Good

After the wonderfully rich food enjoyed by many of us over the holidays, my body is now craving sharp, fresh vegetables, crisp salads and hearty bowls of soup. January always brings with it fresh determination to eat better, feel better, exercise more however, if you are like me, this lasts for only a few weeks. One thing that I do find helps is having an array of quick and simple recipes, packed full of goodness that are easy to make, therefore tend to be used more often. This pickled red cabbage ticks all the boxes for me.

Pickled Red Cabbage

Last month while at a friends house for tea we enjoyed a delicious curry, made from scratch. There were various sides and nibbles but one dish stood out to me, the pickled red cabbage. I’m always trying to increase my vegetable intake and red cabbage is one vegetable that I love but struggle to eat as often as I’d like. It turns out this side is incredibly easy to make, packed full of goodness and goes with curry, toasties, in sandwiches, with roasts… we basically eat it with most meals now! I also add roasted nuts and seeds to give it extra crunch and to get some more protein. Chopped up apple is another addition that went really well, this was discovered one lunch time when we were all enjoying toasties.

I used Willy’s Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother to add extra goodness. You can find this in our shop.


- 1/2 small red cabbage, finely sliced, white core discarded
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 4 tablespoons cider, white wine or red wine vinegar
- 3 tablespoons of sugar, ideally caster


First stir together the cabbage, salt, vinegar and sugar, ensuring each piece of cabbage is fully coated, then set aside for 15 minutes to quickly pickle.

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